
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are Autonomous Communities and HRH in Abia and Imo States for Sale? Sixtus Ezennaya

The creation of Autonomous Communities in Abia and Imo States is backed by the State Edicts on that. By virtue of these Edicts, many Autonomous Communities have come into existence. Economics as a social science has always taught that human wants are insatiable. This maxim has a corroboration in this Igbo adage that the fowl went to sleep not that the stomach is filled but because night has come. Could it be true that more “Wards” are clamouring for this “separatist” State? The reasons for their “insurrection” against their former allies are always adduced rightly or wrongly. But, then, if there is anything that kills interest, monotony is the one. Proliferation on the other hand enthrones inefficiency, self-centredness, mediocrity, loss of quality and concentration among others. But often times, in spite of these obvious deficiencies clannishness and concomitant distractions, proliferation still enjoys big patronage from charlatans.

What is happening in Abia and Imo States in the name of creation of Autonomous Communities is becoming a triviality. Again, must everybody in Abia State be a title holder – low Chief, Chief, High Chief, VIP etc? The job of creation is a special assignment which God bestows the power only on special people. Everything is not for everybody. That is why the abuse called the creation of Autonomous Communities by Abia and Imo States Governments must stop.

Under normal circumstances, before the request for creation of Autonomous Community is made, it ought to be a unanimous agreement and consent of the people making the request. But here, few over ambitious people would coerce people into endorsing the request. In fact, it is only in Abia and Imo States that politics are the yard sticks for the proliferation of Autonomous Communities and His Royal Highness, Majesty etc. Anambra, Enugu, Ebonyi, Ndi Igbo in Delta and Rivers States respect these traditional institutions. Why is the flagrant disrespect and contempt on these age long and revered institutions by the Governments of Abia and Imo States? Every family, kindred, ward, clan, village wants to be an Autonomous Community in Abia and Imo States of course championed and sponsored by people hungry of power and status. Formerly, it was purchase of status symbols like Doctorate Degrees, Justice of the Peace (JP), Chieftaincy titles, traditional Nze and Ozo titles, and even Knighthood but today the emphasis has shifted to the purchase of His Royal Highness, Majesty etc. Could this be why some occupants of the Ezeship stool are people of questionable character? Worse still, why have some of these traditional rulers so neck-deep in selfish and parochial affairs rather than common matters that are beneficial to their supposed communities?

And the huge and unquantifiable “human wastage” which usually characterize the “cold war” for the Ezeship stool is better imagined than experienced. The pollution and proliferation of His Royal Highness and Autonomous Communities is now the vogue and that is the only thing that do appease and pacify the adventurers thus anything doable is acceptable to these Machiavellians who so much believe in the dictum “the end justifies the means.” Perhaps, to avoid wastage of human life may account for why the late Eze Sylvester Achuko, Eze Ozuzuoha II of Mbieri out of his violition suggested to his community of dividing his Kingdom into six Autonomous Communities thus becoming the first Eze in Imo State to divide his Kingdom into Autonomous Communities.

Could anyone believe that Anambra State still remains sacrosanct with her 177 Communities as they were bequeathed to it from the creation of the State in August 27, 1991? That a man merely smiled does not mean he has got rotten teeth. There is some clamour for Autonomous Status by some sections in some Communities in Anambra State but the request is usually treated with caution. But then, even at this status quo, is Anambra State the least developed when compared with the States where this multiplicity is the order of the day? If cocoyam is better than yam, why is even the bush fowl not eating it? If replication of wards in the name of Autonomous Communities is good, why do towns in other states in Nigeria turn their backs on the idea? That Onitsha, Nnewi, Abakiliki, Asaba, Obigbo, Kano, Jos, Ibadan, Ife, Benin, Calabar etc have not subdivided their chiefdoms and kingdoms show its unacceptablitiy by the older and experienced empires. Then, is he more intelligent or wiser than his father, a bachelor who rejected a spinster resembling his mother, founded for him as wife by his father?

The Ngwa-born Vatican official, Very Rev. Fr. Prof. John Egbulefu one said, “Nigerians do not know that salvation comes from the above. They fix their eyes on the ground and at most horizontal.” It needs to be told these people clamouring for further splitting of their wards as Autonomous Communities that development does not come from multiplicity of wards as Autonomous Communities but in the industrialization, meaningful and quality-life, human development, urbanization, job-creation etc in the existing Communities. Okada wonderland is a rural town made popular by Chief Gabriel Igbinedion, Esama of Benin. Mind you, he is not even the traditional ruler of Okada Town.

Ex President Olusegun Obasanjo has transformed Ota to a pilgrimage Centre. Ex-Gov Donald Duke made Obudu, visitors delight and destination. Obehie is now in the internet courtesy of the Veritas University located there by the Catholic Bishops of Nigeria. All these are to an extent projects that have not only become beneficial to these communities and their indigenes but Autonomous Communities benefit few persons; the sponsors of the projects alone. The irony and hypocrisy of it all is that while Abia and Imo States proliferate Autonomous Communities, Nigerian Government frowns at the idea of self determination or having other sovereign nations from Nigeria. One policy with two opposing laws. Many love the honey but few are prepared to deal with the bee. As ballot is better than the bullet, so is quality incontestably better than quantity. After all, the quantity of hairs on the pubic region of a woman’s private part does not determine the utility and productivity of the reproductive organs.

Creation of unnecessary and unviable Autonomous Communities is the creation of Aggressive Communities, creation of problem and sectarianism, Autonomous crisis more so when many of the new Autonomous Communities still remain even underdeveloped in the long run. In a wonderful message of George Carlin, “The paradox of our time in history is that we have more degrees but less sense, more titles but less respect, more knowledge but less judgement, more experts yet more problems, more medicine but less wellness.” I want to add that as we create more Autonomous Communities, the more attractive it is to even demand for and subdivide the smallest Community. The demand remains endless.

Could the plum salaries of the traditional rulers be the motivating factor for this fictionalization? Could it be to find something doing after retirement as many of those allegedly sponsoring these conflicting requests for Autonomous Communities are retirees and money bags? The actions of these sponsors or aspirants to the throne become most annoying when records show that they never at anytime in their lives partook in their Communities meaningful projects. Their recourse to these exalted positions is not on the will of their people but on their “connection” in government. When human beings desert or vacate the market place, the vultures usually take over proceedings or activities. The actions of these people clamouring for Autonomous Communities from those of the newest Autonomous Communities would be likened to the ones of the vultures.

On Thursday June 25, 2006 at CKC Aba, it was a concourse, display and competition of Ezeship regalia as the Requiem Mass of Eze Sir A. E. N. Izuwah KSJ, KSG, Eze Udo I of Amaitolu Ovungwu Autonomous Community in Isiala Ngwa South Local Government Area of Abia State provided the forum. It is my observation that the size and wealth of every Autonomous Community is inadvertently reflected in the “Eze’s majesty.” The funniest thing was that some Ezes were relegated to second-class status because or their poor regalia or “over-simplicity” inter alia. One Eze after seeing how gorgeously, resplendently and flamboyantly dressed one of the Ezes or Igwes from Anambra State was, used his eyes to weigh, measure and compare the attire with his own, started adjusting his own trousers, caftan (Abiriba dress) and Odili hat as if that was the cause of his poor semblance. Our people call that, “O no na mmonwu ele mmonwu” (a masquerade admiring another masquerade). Even some of the Ezes came to the palace of the deceased Eze after the Mass on bike (Okada) while some were begging for “lift” from some car owners. What type of Eze or Autonomous Community is that – for hundred people and scanty buildings? I thank the Aba South Local Government Area / Abia State Government for the gift of vehicles to the traditional rulers quite recently. But then, let it not be a stimulant to request for more Autonomous Communities. Although a traditional ruler needs to be mobile, he needs not be a beggar, an illiterate or a hungry man as the vehicles may even be a problem to maintain. Thank God the traditional ruler of my town, HRH Igwe G. O. Ezechukwu JP, KSP, MACC, Okwuluoha I of Umuchu in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State is a square peg in a square hole. The densely populated 20 – village, Umuchu town, among the largest in Anambra State, shares state boundaries with Arondizuogu, Ibinta, Umualaoma, and Akokwa all in Imo State. Our neighbours in Anambra State include Uga, Amesi, Achina, Enugwu-Umuonyia, Umuomaku, Ezira and Umunze. In fact driving within Umuchu alone along the Umunze – Umuchu – Amesi – Uga – Ezinifite – Igboukwu highway is a fifteen kilometre (15km) journey, yet the development least expected of Umuchu is balkanization. We need University Campus, Games Village, Government Housing Estates, Semi-Urban status, Magistrate Courts, more tarred road, Modern Nkwo Umuchu market, with flourishing industrial business etc. Not only in politics but also in every facet of human endeavour, there is great power, strength and victory in number. I know if Anambra State starts to proliferate Autonomous Communities like Abia and Imo States, a time will come when there will be traditional rulers and towns akin to these “Hundred People” Eze or Autonomous Communities.

Finally, the Abia and Imo State Governments should be apolitical and unsentimental on the issue of creation of Autonomous Communities. At least an autonomous community should be able to stand on its feet. It should have structures like a primary school, a health centre, a market, a parish church and perhaps its own traditional festival. Having only a traditional ruler should not be the paramount prerequisite. If pupils from an autonomous community trek to school in another autonomous community, the autonomy is incomplete, consequently, fake and self-deceit. These states’ Government agents should gird their loins properly to cover their derisive nakedness. If a banana plantation landlord does not protect his farm properly, it will not be astonishment to him, to constantly have monkeys as guests.

Mr. Ezennaya writes for the World Igbo Times Magazine, London.

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