
Thursday, December 17, 2009

GOD, Please Tell The “Servant – Leader”, President Yar’ Adua. By Sixtus Chibueze Ezennaya.

GOD, Please Tell The “Servant – Leader”, President Yar’ Adua.
By Sixtus Chibueze Ezennaya.

Edmund Burke once said, “Society is indeed a contract… it becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead and those who are to be born. Who has not added his voice in the frantic effort to move Nigerian Society forward? The blind, dumb, lame, sick, educated, illiterates, sane, insane etc. Virtually everybody has contributed one or the other idea to prevent Nigeria from collapsing. But as a sick-child destined to die would ask his parents to make a bow with a pestle for him as condition for his survival so has the unco-operative attitudes of various Nigerian leaders to these pieces of advice suggested. People who want to understand democracy should spend less time in the library with Aristotle and more time on buses and in the subway advocated Simeon Strunsky. If Nigerian leaders want to administer Nigeria better, opinions and feelings of Nigerians should be sought, harkened unto and implemented. In the same way if Government of Nigeria wants Nigerians to know, trust and believe in Nigeria, the “Big Masquerade” called Nigeria should be unmasked for Nigerians to see and know those in the mask otherwise the fear and suspicion created by the camouflage of the present status quo will never cease.

What system of Government is in practice in Nigeria: Federalism, Confederation etc? How many tribes make up Nigeria? Are Nigeriens, Togolese, Chadians, Camerounians also Nigerians? Is Nigeria still a Secular State? What is the constitutional duty of the members of the Civil Defence Corps? Why must there be two Ports Authorities; the Western and Delta Ports-in Nigeria when Railway, NNPC, PHCN, Presidency, etc have one unit of command? The victory of Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State in the Supreme Court has exposed the hiatuses and flaws in the 1999 constitution. At the present status quo (PDP rigging/selection strategy), the turn of Ijaws to rule Nigeria is 2015, Ndi Igbo-2031, Yoruba-nation-2047. When will a man from Urhobo, Igala, Bini, Ibibio, Idoma, Jukum, Itsekiri, Ogoni, Kalabari, Zango-Kataf, Ikwere and other ethnic groups rule Nigeria? Or are they not eligible to be Presidents of Nigeria? As it is being blindly quoted that Nigeria has over 200 ethnic groups, perhaps in year 6000 or 7000. “They who have the power of preventing lamentable events and knowing what is taking place, refuse to exercise that power are responsible for what happens-Lord Salisbury.

Nigeria seems to be degenerating from bad to worse. Peace does not mean the absence of war or physical combat. The conscience–war is the greatest of all wars. Internal crises, insecurity, child-slavery, brain-drain, cultism, hunger, kidnapping armed robbery, youth restiveness, prostitution, unemployment, corruption, poor image of the country are components of conscious war. On two different occasions during Obasanjo’s regime have Transparency International rated Nigeria the no. 1 & 2 most corrupt nation on earth. At a time, report of the NGO rated Nigeria ex-military Head of State, Sani Abacha, as the 4th most corrupt ruler in the world with a stolen sum of between $5 and $6 billion in his bank account. A rating of one NGO in May 2007 presented Nigeria as occupying the 117th position out of 119 countries sampled for the most peaceful or trouble-free country placement. In other words, Nigeria is the third most unpeaceful or troublesome country in the world. Nigeria has held the record of producing the greatest number of non-graduate Heads of State since independence. Nigerians are known to have constituted the greatest migrants from Africa to Europe or USA. In the concourse of Presidents, Heads of States or Governments, Nigerian rulers are many times the ugliest. Even within Nigeria, the police are rated as the most corrupt seconded by the PHCN (Electricity Corporation). The multinational Oil Companies, Customs and Excise, FIRS, JAMB, INEC, Nigeria Railways, Tertiary Institutions and Political Office Holders should not clap their hands for they did not escape the hammer or unmentioned.

Which tribe is the most corrupt, most hated, most diligent, laziest, most backwards, most underutilized, most marginalized and most lawful? Which tribe constitutes the greatest number of drug peddlers who smear Nigeria with the tar of “Drug country”? Which ethnic groups or tribes play the roles of monkey and baboon in the saying, “Monkey de work, baboon de chop”? Nigerians sometime ago in a survey conducted by BBC were described as the happiest in the world. Could it be true that half of Nigerian adult population is hypertensive? Who said Fela Anikulapo Kitti was not prophetic in his music album: “Suffering and smiling”? Indeed Nigeria is the metaphorical elephant described from each one’s perception by the seven blind men who felt it by touching. All these descriptions are not far from the truth. Nigeria is what it is today because of one thing: - IT HAD AB INITIO NO SOLID CONTRACTUAL BEGINNING hence no Nigerian sees Nigeria as one’s country. That is why a president would ban the importation of many items in this country and allowed the same contraband goods from a neighbouring country on proviso that 500 Frances per vehicle carrying these camouflaged goods is allegedly paid into his private account in the neighbouring country. Everyday over five hundred vehicles pass through this route. When a policeman becomes a robber, who will guard and protect the people? When gold rust, what will become of iron? When the best becomes corrupt, one becomes the most corrupt so said St. Augustine of Hippo.

In 1947, Alhaji Shehu Shagari, as a schoolteacher, called for separate countries of North and South on account of religious differences among others. In 1957, the Northerners wanted a confederal state or regional government autonomy for fear of marginalization due to inequalities in brain, academic and infrastructural development then. The year 1967 saw the Easterners demanding for the same confederation due to man’s inhumanities to man, which later culminated into a civil war. In 1993, the Westerners called for this confederation because of the annulment of June 12 1993 election won by their kinsman, Chief M.K.O Abiola. What this paper war of the Yoruba-nation could accrue was Obasanjo presidency. Even at this, many Yorubas never regard Obasanjo presidency as atonement for this “sin” as only restructuring of Nigeria is still seen as the best atonement. Between 1993 and now, well meaning Nigerians have added their voices to the call for true federalism. Pa Anthony Enahoro and his PRONACO want the 1999 constitution set aside and the promulgation of the new constitution prepared by the representatives of every section of Nigeria arguing that the 1999 constitution is Military made. Asari Dokubo and virtually all the Niger Delta people want total control of their resources. Chief Barrister Ralph Uwazuruike, MASSOB and indeed Ndi Igbo want Biafra. Even during the military Coup d’etat of April 22, 1990, five former states in the far North were excised from Nigeria. The Obasanjo Administration’s National Political Reform Conference, which could have addressed these problems, was deadlocked. If Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Herbert Macauley, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Tafawa Balewa and Aminu Kano were to be alive today, they would support the vox populi since their vision for “one Nigeria” is now derailed. Oil money is now the focus. Things have fallen apart, the centre does no longer hold. It is shameful that Nigerians who so much cause the “conscience war on one Nigeria” are the ones who reject Sovereign National Conference. However, whether it is the melon that falls on the knife or the knife that falls on the melon, it is the melon that will suffer.

If not the boldness of some Senators, Obasanjo had wanted to continue as President via the “blanket amendment” of the constitution. In the thinking of Obasanjo, if Ndi Igbo hear of a sixth or seventh state, they will support without reasoning. When the South-South Niger Delta people hear of the exclusion of Abia and Imo States from the short-lived Obasanjos coastal states, they will drum their support. When the Northern minorities hear of their rescue from the Hausa-Fulani oligarchy/domination by rotational presidency in the proposed constitution, they will succumb to the snare. All of a sudden, truth and conscience over-ruled the N50M motivation to each Senator for the project. As a punishment to the Senators, their re-election bids were truncated and frustrated besides inflicting Nigerians with the burden of last minute fuel-price increment, sales of Egbin Power Station, Privatization of Kaduna and Port Harcourt Refineries etc. Perhaps Obasanjo does not know that privatization also means building more refineries to galvinize competition. Thank God the Servant-Leader reversed those hotchpotch malice of Obasanjo.

Who would have thought that Obasanjo would dream of accepting the presidency in 1999 judging by what he was alleged to have told one ex-Head of State; what he forgot in the Government House as to want to be there again. Today, Obasanjo has gone ahead to become the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the ruling party so as to remain relevant. Even though they are ex-Heads of States, can Nelson Mandela, Kenneth Kaunda, Julius Nyerere, Jerry Rawlings do what Obasanjo has done? Presidents George Bush, Jummy Carter, William Jefferson Clinton, ex-Prime Ministers Magreth Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair are all alive. Chief Emeka Anyaoku and Kofi Annan are typical examples. What role do they now play? Chairman BOT? Nunquam (never). It is only in Nigeria where there is no shame that an ex-President will still struggle for higher office in a party to enable him “deal ruthlessly” with his perceived enemies instead of going into quiet retirement or preparing for death.

Chief Emeka Anyaoku prophesied, “Nigeria will break without a national conference”. Though it is quite hard for a cock to crow in another’s pen, one time British High Commissioner in Nigeria, Sir Philip Thomas, advocated for restructuring of Nigeria. The fear of the Northerners that Sovereign National Conference may result in the disintegration of Nigeria is unfounded and suggests nothing but guilty conscience. Michael Dumumpart once said, “one who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears”. Julius Ceaser in his sagacious admonition said, “If you want peace, prepare for war”. John Randolph on his part suggested, “The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it”. Confrontation does not bring solution to a problem but if the problem is confronted, the solution will be found. The fear of disintegration should be confronted and avoided via the Sovereign National Conference. Dr. K.O Mbadiwe once said, “When the come comes to become, we continue the continuous”. It is indeed after the Sovereign National Conference that Nigeria will come to become and then continue the continuous as a strong and virile nation rather than disintegrating. Sovereign National Conference will bring all tribes at par with one another. Do all tribes in Nigeria subscribe to the idea of using Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba on the naira? By the way, what does Naira mean? Currencies like Cedi, Rand, Euro, Pounds, Dollar, Shekel etc have background meanings. Who authorized the exclusion of tribe and religion from the data for National census and why? Is it not possible that the exclusion is just to cover the true population of various ethnic groups? How many Nigerians say their actual ages? Worse still how many workers in Nigeria have not altered their ages to enable them continue with their employment? The database of information on every citizen is the ID Card. Why is it not also for children in fact right from birth in Nigeria as in Europe in order to be holistic and thorough to forestall misinformation?

The Land Use Decree (Act) of 1978 needs to be repealed. The immunity for elected Chief Executive against criminal matters needs to be expunged from the constitution. The INEC Chairman ought to be elective as in South Africa. Who should appoint Election Tribunal members? Why must Nigeria remain a chronic boy always who like a foolish man always begins but a wise man continues. Malaysia collected some palm seedlings from Nigeria in the 70s but today Malaysia has overtaken Nigeria in Palm Oil production. Nigerian youths now queue up in Malaysia Embassy for visas to go to Malaysia to work in Palm plantations or Palm Oil Mills. South Africa Football Association (SAFA) came here to learn from our football administration in 1993; today the Football body is a mini-FIFA while Nigeria Football Association (NFA) is still a toddler. How many South African players have come here for professional career? Today, a coach is signed, tomorrow he leaves or is sacked. Match fixing, sellouts, bribing of referees, bad officiating arising from malice over a team or owners of the team characterize Nigerian football. Who would believe that National Team Technical Managers/Coaches are not appointed based on merit or ability but on politics of national spread or quota? Worse still, asking for money from players by these coaches before they are fielded in a match is their secunda natura. It is alleged that one Nigerian Coach who handled one of the National Teams once told one very good player who hesitated at his demand for money before his inclusion in the team for international engagement: - “Talent is not sold in a local market”. When will NFA and NFL stop being Obasanjo and Atiku worst still Isrealis and Arabs?

God, please tell the Servant-Leader, President Umaru Musa Yar ‘Adua that he should be “a man of himself and not a man of Obasanjo”. I do not believe those who tell me they love me but I believe those who show me they love me. Pope John Paul II lived exemplary life to buttress his sobriquet, Servant of the Servants of God”. God please tell the Servant-Leader to show Nigerians that as a Servant-Leader, he is in Aso Rock to do the wish of Nigerians. Secondly, that Nigeria like the crooked tree of humanity, which cannot be reformed unless it is transformed, desperately needs Sovereign National Conference as a conditio- sine-qua-non for her survival. God please tell Yar ‘Adua that South East needs additional states to be at par with other sections of Nigeria, that Nigeria needs to be a true Federal State with new constitution. While Nigerians were still bemoaning the results of the 2003 elections, as they did not reflect the voting, there were no elections in 2007 yet results were declared. God please tell the Servant-Leader that it is morally wrong and hypocrisy for students to be scolded or prosecuted for examination malpractices while election malpractices are nurtured, hallowed, adorned and managed via Accord, Alliance or Unity Government. God please make the Servant-Leader realize that only the truth will set Nigerians free. Everyday students receive the bashing for being cult-members whereas members of the political class queue-up for initiations into the secret societies. Why should kettle call pot black? Is it not the same teeth that the dog uses to bite that it also uses to play? Six and half a dozen are the same and therefore deserve the same condemnation. God please tell Yar ‘Adua that Nigeria needs restructuring for hypocrisy is reigning supreme here. God please tell Yar ‘Adua and State Governors that Mission Schools, should be returned to the owners for proper training of children. God please make Yar ‘Adua know that Nigerians are dying of hunger resulting in prostitution, armed robbery, armed gansterism, cultism, child-slavery, ritualism among others. Is it not making jest of God’s natural endowment for Nigeria to be the 7th largest oil producing country and the 13th poorest nation on earth?

God please tell Yar ‘Adua that Nigeria Military is for external aggression and not for internal crises while police not for election rigging. Policemen in mufti should be barred from carrying arms to differentiate them from armed robbers. The slogan; Bail is free in our police stations, is a blatant lie. Chaplains of religious bodies are highly needed by the police force for moral rescue. Nigerians above the age of 45 deserve to own guns. Religious bodies should be granted licenses to own Radio and Television stations at least to help reduce unemployment. If print media owned by these bodies do not abuse their licenses, their Radio and Television stations will not operate below standard. But then where they do, the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) will have something to do. The tertiary institutions owned by the religious organizations are in fact on the class of their own.

Finally, that Nigeria needs restructuring is stating the obvious. There is a slogan in management, “pay peanut for salaries and get monkeys for workers”. The prices of coming together as one Nigeria without formal agreement or terms include war, man’s inhumanities to man, Military Coup d’et al and other myriads of intractable problems. The original 13 English colonies agreed to unite and form what we know today as United States of America. Other colonies like Florida and Alaska were purchased from their colonial masters at the price of US$5,000,000.00 and US$7,200,000.00 respectively while Texas; an independent state was annexed in 1845 as the 28th state of the United State of course under agreement. In Nigerian situation, Sovereign National Conference will serve as the take off point for a new Nigeria. Lord Fredrik Luggard’s amalgamation of January 1, 1914 was like a “Forced Labour” or Conscription.

To every Goliath, there is a David. To every Pharaoh, there is a Red Sea. To every Saddam Hussein, there is George W.Bush. To Abacha Civilian President transmutation ambition, there was God’s intervention. To Obasanjo’s Third Tenure ambition, there was Nigerian Senate. Summarily put, to every problem, there is a solution. God please tell Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar ‘Adua that one-Nigeria and Constitution not emerging from the vox-populi-Soverign National Conference-as things stand tantamount to (Bene cucurit sed preter viam) running a good race out of the track. A child who refuses to eat the words of advice lives to eat regret as his food.

Mr. Ezennaya writes for the World Igbo Times Magazine, London.

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