
Thursday, December 17, 2009

BIAFRA / OJUKWU: Gen Yakubu Gowon, Shame on You... By Sixtus Chibueze Ezennaya

Only in Africa do unimaginable things happen as a result of ridiculous actions and utterances of people purporting and parading themselves as elders, statesmen, and leaders. Only in Africa can a ruler jubilate that he supervised over the killing of his subjects and presumed enemies. Only in Africa will looters of their countries treasures, ex-Military Heads of State etc, turn into peacemakers while peace is elusive in their home countries because of their misrule and thievery. Only in a country like Nigeria will an ex-President because of his misdeeds while in office run away from his country and reside in another smaller and quieter country after leaving office. Does this not corroborate and justify the call for break up of the country into smaller governable units? Above all, only in Nigeria will a self-styled ex-Military ruler-turned-prayer warrior canvass for war as the best solution for marginalization agitation and quest for justice.

The difference between a black and white man is uncountable. Worse still, there are greater differences between a black man and a dark man. A dark man worships dark god, eats dark food, has dark heart, dark blood, dark reasoning, dark excrement and engages in dark and nocturnal activities and belongs to dark societies. The vulture is better than a dark man for even though it eats decomposing and foul food, it excretes white substances.

The statement credited to Yakubu Gowon of going to war again besides the unprintable things associated with it is unbecoming of a prayer warrior he claims to be ipso facto a dark reasoning. Whatever led to Dim Chukwuemeka Ojukwu’s comment should not have warranted such vituperations from even a false man of God or Yakubu Gowon. One thing is clear, Nigerian/Biafran war has not ended so long as the circumstances that occasioned the war have not been addressed. The Niger Delta crisis is a tip of the iceberg of what the dissatisfied people of Nigeria think about Nigeria. If you want to know what a leopard is thinking, see what its tail is doing.

Yakubu Gowon is one of the many elders, God is using to punish Nigeria. Like pregnancy, hypocrisy always manifests no matter how long one camouflages. Today, Gowon apologizes for his atrocities and genocidal war tomorrow he poses for another war. If you bury the truth, like smoke, it will find its way to the surface.

The Sunday 8th November 2009 Champion Newspaper front page report, “I am ready for Ojukwu again” – Gowon, is unfortunate. So Gowon still has the effrontery and audacity to say something after killing over two million Ndi Igbo? By this overstatement of his, he is trying to re-enact a war he can never win like a woman with big vagina who may not bear hairs enough to cover it.

The Igbo pregnant women and their foetus dissected during the pogrom are still crying for justice The Igbomen, women and children thrown into River Benue from the rail bridge and others given to lions in the zoological gardens are begging God to forgive Gowon. The burying of hundreds of Ndi Igbo alive in Katsina, Bauchi, Jos etc are wounds Gowon wants to reopen the scars. Prof. Philip Emeagwali story of “The Dance of Death” at Asaba as an excerpt of a speech he delivered at Moorehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia USA in 2008 is still heart bleeding and burning in some Igbo youths. The story revealed how an army officer lined up 1000 Igbomen for shooting. After shooting 700 men he was asked to have a rest before finishing up the remaining 300 men and he replied, “The grave is not yet full.” That Gowon was not arraigned before the International Criminal Court (ICC) is why he opens his mouth so wide. Gowon should be ashamed of himself and his prayer for Nigeria, for God does not hear such prayers. How can God hear his prayer for his administration’s atrocious policy of take-over of mission schools as a way of scuttling the spread of Christianity breaded hooliganism, cultism, terrorism, kidnapping, armed robbery, prostitution etc in the polity. Yet, he has not advised for the return of the schools as a sign of remorse rather continued to brag and challenge God. Who has ever challenged God and survived?

Hassan Katsina boasted that Biafra would be over-run within three days through what he called “POLICE ACTION” forgetting that it is not the strongest specie that survives neither is it the weakest specie that dies off. However, God proved this saying by making the war to last thirty good months with no one as victor and none vanquished. It could best be described as a cease-fire like that of the Niger Delta which could be resumed anytime it is deemed necessary. In Biafra, even with the economic blockade and embargo, there was no fuel crisis. Improvised refineries surfaced. Airports were built and rail lines emerged. A depleted helicopter from Portugal was refurbished into a bomber / fighter. If Biafrans can resist against Nigeria, Britain, Russia, Niger, Chad, Arab nations etc onslaught and heavy bombardment with bows, arrows, catapults, dane-guns, hand-blows, “mmanya ndi ogo,” what would have happened had Biafra had about five to ten bombers / fighter jets besides the type of fire arms exhibited in the Niger Delta struggle? I think Biafrans would have done for Biafra what Napoleon Bonaparte could not do for France. Mr. Jack, take special note of this statement, if such a war re-occurs, the devastating outcome will leave every one and posterity aghast.

Finally, Gowon should liberate his kinsmen (Middle Belt) from their slavery in the hands of the Hausa Fulani. Middle Belt Gowon and Obasanjo fought the Nigerian / Biafran war for the North but today where is Middle Belt particularly Gowon? If Gowon thinks himself a Northerner, why he lost option A4 ward primary election in Kaduna to Dr. Dalhatu Sariki Tafida (now a Diplomat) should open his eyes. If Gowon thinks of being a bonafide indigene of Plateau State, why was he deprived of a chieftaincy title in his so-called land of birth? Does this mean that Gowon is a “tenant” at home and in Diaspora? Could it be true that Gowon is an Ebonyi State son of the soil in diaspora? Mr. Jack, good morning for day don break o o o! Monkey de work, baboon de chop. A slave and stooge. Of course, nemesis will always catch up with an evil doer.

The late Joseph S. Tarka was the only man who knew his people’s plight and condition in the North. He was alleged to have told his people, “Instead of fighting the Igbos, fight the Hausa/Fulani as Igbos are Christians, our brothers and intelligent. They have helped our generation before, they will still help us again.” Could this be why some part of the Benue and Kogi States want to join the new Biafra?

Do the people of the Middle Belt particularly Benue, Plateau, Kogi (Igala), Nasarawa hear about “OLU OYIBO Oturkpo or OLU IGEDU? (Oturpko or Igedu civil service). This is the story of the procreation service Igbo men gave to the women of the area when their males were massacred by the Islamic jihad of Othman Danfodio. If not Ndi Igbo, their race would have been exterminated from the face of the earth by those, people like Gowon wrongly believed to be their brothers. Today, one of the products of Ndi Igbo has become a small torn in the flesh of Ndi Igbo but thank God Ndi Igbo know how to bury and back nestle a man with hunchback.

There was that story that Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana asked Ghanaians to say the Christian prayer, “Our Father.” Then at the portion “Give us this day, our daily bread,” no food was given to the people by God. Then he asked them to replace “Our Father” with “Kwame Nkrumah give us this day our daily bread … and as they said it, food filled every where. For this reckless Godlessness and challenge to God, God got annoyed with Ghanaians hence their economic problems of the 70s / 80s besides the Jerry Rawlings God-sent Revolution. Later Ghanaians remorsed for their sins and begged God openly and collectively for forgiveness. Today, not only that Ghana is existing, bubbling, booming and living again but also crude oil has been discovered in Ghana. God is already annoyed with Gowon, Obasanjo and their Nigeria and God’s greater wrath will befall Nigeria soonest if repentance is far and not embraced within this period of reprieve and grace.

Mr. Ezennaya writes for the World Igbo Times Magazine, London.

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